
Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a bio-feedback method of health care that looks at all aspects of your body – structure, biochemical, emotions and energy.


The History

It was developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964 when he discovered links between a muscle response, meridian energy (from Chinese medicine) and related organs.


Many of kinesiology treatment sessions today also combine lymphatic massage to specific points (Chapman’s neuro-lymphatic points) and holding other points (Bennet’s neurovascular points).


Over the years further research identified that some nutrients and foods support various systems while others affected the circuits in a negative way. These are individual to the way our body’s work and our own mix of microbes.


Emotional associations and structural distortions can also contribute to imbalance and these too were also identified and corrected.


The Method

Within the realms of kinesiology there are some differences in approach. However, in all types the main tool used is the muscle response test (MRT), which has now been scientifically proven to indicate a positive or negative reaction. 

One or a range of muscles is used to indicate where stress is held in the body, assess how best to release that stress and allow the body to heal.

Some methods of kinesiology use a range of test vials and non-invasive techniques (mentioned above) along side the MRT to further gather information and find best the solution to create the most improvement to your health and well-being.


Examples of what can be checked with Kinesiology include:

  • Foods and chemicals in foods (showing medicine foods for YOUR body and those that cause sensitivities)
  • Nutrients (that work with you to correct a deficiency, or to find out why a nutrient is being used excessively)
  • Parts of the body (checking the efficient working of hormonal glands, organs and key areas of the digestive system)
  • Emotions (where and why they are being held somewhere in a body)
  • Structural problems (that stop the overall flow and smooth working of the body and its functions).

Muscle response testing allows us to listen to the whole of your body. To detect what and which areas are stressed out and then what type of intervention it needs to help it to correct or cope with those functional imbalances.

The kinesiology toolbox is full of techniques to address health problems on all levels whether that is structural/physical, biochemical, emotional, energetic or a combination of these. Your body is constantly working hard to maintain the best health it can and so kinesiology allows your body to choose what it really needs to heal. Create the right environment for your cells and they will thrive and for this we need to know and change what is creating the wrong environment.

Systematic Kinesiology is a system as individual and unique as you and can be used to treat people who have been diagnosed with a disease and receiving conventional medicine as part of an overall health plan. Kinesiology does not diagnose disease, it supports and balances the whole person to enhance health and well-being

The treatment involves lying fully-clothed on a therapy couch going through a series of muscle tests, addressing issues as and when necessary.  

The number of treatments necessary depends on the problems. Some are easy and quick to see results while others are more layered and have been around longer and may take longer to treat. 

Regular checks keep the body balanced in a truly preventative way allowing you to cope with what life throws at you.

