Is there an aspect of your life that is not working for you? Perhaps you want to improve your physical or mental health, or you are worried about your financial situation, or are not happy with where you are living or how you are living, perhaps you feel a lack of direction or drive or you are finding certain relationships challenging. We all have our challenges, no one and no one life is perfect. “The fundamental aim of wellbeing coaching is to facilitate a state of clarity and awareness of beliefs and behaviours in an individual to empower them to create real and measurable improvement in health and wellbeing,” Elaine Wilkins, founder of The Chrysalis Effect. It is about supporting you to get from where you are to where you want to be.

The wellbeing coaching that I practice takes a holistic approach, working with the person as a whole, body and mind, by looking at the eight key areas of life: nutritional health, finances, emotional health, environment, lifestyle and pace, relationships, movement and life purpose. By working on one area of your life, you can start to see shifts in the right direction in other areas too, so don’t panic, you don’t need to work on all of it all at once! Coaching is an unpeeling of the onion, which is why we schedule several sessions to work on one layer or challenge at a time.

Wellbeing coaching takes a structured approach and is primarily future focused and goal oriented so that you have a clear vision of what you are working towards and the steps to take to achieve your goals. It takes a non-directive approach, drawing on your inner wisdom rather than telling you what to do. As explained in the coaching bible Co-Active Coaching “The coach and coachee have equal, though different, roles. They are co-active in the relationship, so they are collaborators, working together for the benefit of the coachee.”

Of course, we don’t know what we don’t know, so as a wellbeing coach I can offer suggestions if appropriate, for example a book recommendation; a link to a website, podcast or video; recommending a particular therapy; or a referral to another practitioner for specialist support. One of the reasons that I was drawn to wellbeing coaching was to make good use of the health and wellbeing knowledge that I have built up over my adult life by sharing it with others.

I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Co-Active Coaching “The classic definition of crazy is to continue to do things the same way. The truth is, if nothing changes, nothing changes. Very often, something new on the outside, like a new outcome, includes the creation of something new on the inside.”

To schedule a 30-minute free trial session to find out more about how wellbeing coaching could benefit you, email me at I provide coaching online via Zoom or in-person at my home in Caversham.